A few months ago, I received a random inquiry in my email inbox. Would I be interested in helping to lead Mindfulness sessions at The Met Cloisters (aka The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s uptown outpost, which houses their medieval collection)?
Yes. Yes, I would.
I’ve now had the pleasure of working with members of The Met Cloisters’ Department of Education over the past four months to bring this program to the public. A couple of weeks ago, I led two different practices during The Cloisters’ recent Garden Festival, which boasted record-breaking single-day attendance for the museum. I guided one of the Festival’s booked musicians through a one-on-one seated meditation before his performance, and led a crowd through a mindful walking practice on The Cloisters’ lawn adjacent to Ft. Tryon Park. I was delighted to be on hand to help some folks in the throng to center themselves, to turn their attentions inward, and to explore the experience from a different perspective.
The biweekly Mindfulness program at The Cloisters is free with admission. The format of the practice has been slightly different each time we’ve offered it, and runs about 45 minutes. I’ll be helping to lead again this coming Thursday, June 27 at 3pm and would love to see you there. I am uncertain what the future of this program will be, but it’s been a treat to have been part of it.
I’m currently leading group yoga classes at Heights Meditation and Yoga in NYC on Tuesdays and Sundays (check the schedule here). If you’re uptown, the studio is offering unlimited yoga & meditation for July + August for $250 (you can get that deal here).
If you’re looking for private, in-home yoga classes, I do offer packages of 5 or 10 in-home private classes (learn more about that here).
I’ve decided after much thought that my yoga & mindfulness newsletter will be released on a quarterly basis (solstices and equinoxes) due to other creative commitments. If you’d like to hear from me more frequently, I’ll be launching my newsletter And Scene! in the coming days, which will be focusing on my creative pursuits. There will probably be some yoga and mindfulness sprinkled in there, as well. Please feel free to subscribe to that if you’re interested.
I’d like to leave you this summer with my Loving Kindness Meditation, which you can find on Insight Timer (follow me)! Wear your sunblock, and be good to you and yours.
All my gratitude -